To know if a bookmaker is reputable and responsible for players or not? You can look at their cash-out process. With CG777 casino, we always want our customers to win bets and have capital to withdraw to accompany the casino for a long time. We support players who cash out simply and quickly. The CG777 withdrawal process will bring convenience to new players, withdraw without fear of errors. Let’s find out how to cash out your winnings right away.

CG777 Withdrawal Conditions

To meet the CG777 withdrawal conditions is not too difficult, the casino always sets simple cash-out conditions for players. You can easily meet all the cash-out conditions. Let’s learn about our cash-out conditions to comply and avoid violations!

  1. The limit for one-time cash-out transactions is 100-300,000 PHHP. If the amount you cash out is lower or higher than the limit set by the payment system, you cannot request a cash-out.
  2. There will be many modern cashout methods for bettors to choose from such as GCash, Maya, GrabPay, and Bank Accounts.
  3. The withdrawal accounts must have the name on the account matching the member’s real name for the withdrawal request to be approved.
  4. Players can only make the next cash-out order 30 minutes after the first cash-out order.
  5. You reach the valid betting turnover x1, If ​​you deposit money without receiving any promotions. If bettors receive promotions, they reach the valid betting turnover specified by that promotion.
  6. Bettors may undergo an information review as required by the payment department. After successful approval, we will immediately pay your cash-out order.
  7. We promise the cash-out time will be within 5 minutes. Except for some incidents such as bank maintenance, and internet connection loss.
  8. In all cases, the CG777 bookmaker has the final decision.

Share Detailed CG777 Withdrawal Process to New Players

We currently support players with the fastest and safest cash-out methods available today. Players will have four cash-out methods: GCash, PayMaya, GrabPay, and Bank Card. Withdrawing money via bank card is preferred by many bettors due to its safety and security when transferring funds to a bank account. What are the steps in a complete CG777 withdrawal process that new players follow?

CG777 Withdrawal

Create Withdrawal Password

During the first withdrawal at CG777 casino, the system will require new members to set a withdrawal password. The withdrawal password is required to have a minimum of 6 characters. The withdrawal password is considered a layer of security for the balance in the player’s betting account. You can only withdraw money when you have entered the correct withdrawal password. Therefore, bettors must not let others know your withdrawal password. Create a withdrawal password using the steps below.

Step 1: Log in to your betting account and go to the member center to click on the “Withdraw” option.

✈Step 1: Go to the member center to click on the "Withdraw" option.

Step 2: The system displays a message that the withdrawal password has not been set. New players click on the above information.

✈Step 2: The system displays a message that the withdrawal password has not been set.

Step 3: The system will transfer you to the withdrawal password change interface. Enter the withdrawal password and re-enter it a second time to confirm. Finally, click Submit to complete.

✈Step 3: Enter the withdrawal password and re-enter it.

Add Bank Card

The name of the bank card holder you add to your payment profile must match the registered name, otherwise you will not be able to cash out. Therefore, we recommend that you choose your bank account. Do not borrow a bank account from a friend or relative. The steps to add a bank card are as follows:

Step 1: On the withdraw page, players should choose a bank card as the cash-out method.

✈Step 1: choose a bank card as the cash-out method.

Step 2: Players fill in the blank information fields related to their bank card such as Bank Name, Provine, City, and Bank Account.

✈Step 2: Players fill in the blank information.

Fill in the Information & Submit the CG777 Withdrawal Request

A cash-out process at our house has eliminated unnecessary steps and only retains important steps. The cash-out system is modern and safe. Besides, it is considered by many bettors to be simple. After the bettors have completed creating a withdrawal password and adding a bank card. The steps to make a cash-out order follow the steps.

Step 1: First, choose a withdrawal method you want to use.

✈Step 1: choose a withdrawal method you want to use.

Step 2: Newbie fills in the amount and transaction password. Finally, click “Apply” to complete.

✈Step 2: Newbie fills in the amount and transaction password.

With a reputable and modern casino like CG777, your withdrawal will be simpler and faster. You don’t need to spend much time or go through complicated steps to cash out. We provide you with a CG777 withdrawal transaction that is extremely safe, fast, and simple. Quickly join us, and you will experience all the best services available at our casino.